Learn more about SterJo Key Finder
Here are some other details about SterJo Key Finder, including major software programs and operating systems, that find product keys and serial numbers for:
Find keys for operating systems: Windows 10 product key, Windows 8 product key, Windows 7 ultimate product key, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003
Find keys for other software: Microsoft Office 2013, Office 2010, Office 2007, Office 2003, Office XP, Microsoft Money, Microsoft Works and many other Microsoft and non-Microsoft programs such as Adobe, Autodesk and Cyberlink, plus more. 500 more!
+ Free for personal and commercial use
+ Very easy to read
+ Find the key to install Windows locally or externally
+ Save all locks as text files
+ Copy individual keys to the clipboard
+ Search through the product key found
+ Contains an important database that can be updated when new products are supported
+ Mobile download available
+ Try to install unrelated program during setup
+ Can display different keys for the same program
+ The list of programs may be cluttered
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